A text adventure that walks people through convincing researchers to make their research open!
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Vicky Steeves 6fc5cf95a6 add README 2017-10-19 20:01:53 +00:00
README.md add README 2017-10-19 20:01:53 +00:00


Based off this google doc: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1nDtHpnIDTY_G32EMJniXaOGBufjHCCk4VC9WGOf7jK4/mobilebasic?pli=1

&& from Robin Rice: I would share my data ... but I have better things to do than fill out endless metadata fields that I already filled out elsewhere.

I would share my data... but I dont understand the fine print of your licence / agreement and I'm not a lawyer.

I would share my data... but your clunky system (repository) makes me lose the will to live, never mind finish my deposit.

I would share my data... but apparently even if I anonymise it there is still risk that individuals will be identified and harmed, so I'll just think about it a while longer.

I would share my data... but you haven't made the case to me that it will affect my academic career one iota.

I would share my data... but nobody else in my department is doing it and really why should I be the first.