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# 2021 CSCI-GA3205 Homework 09
Author: Vicky Rampin
## Prompt
**AES Encryption Implementation**: write a program to encrypt and decrypt a file using the AES algorithm. You can implement the functions you need or use the libraries.
## Installation
This script is made with Python 3.8 and uses the `argparse` and `pathlib` libraries. Ensure that you have [Python 3.8+](https://www.python.org/downloads/) installed in order to run this script correctly.
## Usage
First, clone this repository to your machine. Open the command line on your machine and navigate to where you cloned this repository. To get help using `cd`, use [this tutorial](https://swcarpentry.github.io/shell-novice/02-filedir/index.html).
Before running the script, you should know it expects two arguments:
1. `--file` : provide a path to the file that you want to decrypt
2. `modality`: either encrypt and decrypt, tells the script which activity you'd like to do
With this in mind, you can run it like so:
$ python index.py --file=README.md encrypt
Or like this:
$ python index.py --file=/home/user/Desktop/secureFile.txt decrypt