.. title: Resume .. slug: resume .. date: 2021 .. type: text Download a PDF copy of my CV: https://gitlab.com/VickyRampin/cv/blob/main/original/vicky-cv.pdf .. raw:: html

Speaking Information

Vicky Rampin is the Librarian for Research Data Management and Reproducibility and the subject specialist for data science at New York University. Vicky supports researchers of all levels and disciplines in creating well-managed, reproducible scholarship through instruction, consultation, outreach, and infrastructure building. Her research centers on data and software preservation in service of long-term reproducibility, as well as how best to individualize reproducibility best practices. They loves all things open and contributes to a number of open projects as a part of her job at NYU and in her spare time.


Data management, reproducibility, labour theory, digital preservation, digital archiving, database management, web development, animal care, music, and creative writing.


New York University New York, NY, USA

Master of Computer Science Expected 2022

Simmons College Boston, MA, USA

Master of Library and Information Science August 2014

GPA: 3.85

Research Opportunities

Bachelor of Science in Computer Science and Information Technology May 2013

GPA: 3.75

Honours Thesis: Computational Linguistic Approach to Inflection in Human Speech and Difference in Meaning

Study Abroad: Celtic Studies, University College Cork, Cork, Ireland, Summer 2012

Research Opportunities


Honours and Achievements:

Visiting Professor Pratt Institute

Librarian for Research Data Management and Reproducibility
New York University

Adjunct Professor Simmons College

Interim Program Coordinator Metropolitan New York Library Council

National Digital Stewardship Resident American Museum of Natural History

Archives Intern Sasaki Associates

Dean's Fellow for Technology Simmons College

Technical Resource Assistant Simmons College

Contracted Web Developer IES Technical Sales

Tutor in Computer Science Simmons College

Campus Representative Tutors For All

Teacher's Assistant in Computer Science Simmons College

Lab Monitor for Computer Science Laboratory Simmons College

Server Not Your Average Joe's

Lead Tutor Tutors For All

Choreographer assistant Cape Ann Community Theatre

Page/Librarian's Assistant Hamilton-Wenham Regional Public Library

Instructor & Camp Counselor Safe Harbor Tang Soo Do

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