VICKY STEEVES (Posts about ReproZip), 20 Apr 2017 20:53:42 GMTNikola ( Use Cases is Hard Steeves<div><!-- .. title: Getting Use Cases is Hard .. slug: getting-use-cases .. date: 2016-03-20 14:08:25 UTC-04:00 .. tags: nyu, ReproZip .. category: Professional Life .. link: .. description: .. type: text --> <p>One of my big tasks since coming into NYU last August was to work on the <a href="">ReproZip</a> project. My role is largely outreach and education: I was tasked with teaching ReproZip and general reproducibility principles, gathering use cases in a wider variety of disciplines (when I arrived, the use cases were largely in computer science), and supporting users in general.</p> <p>ReproZip kind of blew my mind when I arrived; it's an open source software tool that simplifies the process of creating reproducible experiments. Basically it tracks operating system calls and creates a package that contains all the binaries, files, and dependencies required to reproduce the experiment. A reviewer can then extract the experiment on their own machine using ANY operating system (even if it's different from the original one!!) to reproduce the results. As a librarian, I was like "OH MY GOD. THE DIGITAL PRESERVATION GAME JUST GOT UPPED." Anyway, here's basically how ReproZip works -- in 2 steps:</p> <p><a href="">Read moreā€¦</a> (3 min remaining to read)</p></div>nyuReproZip, 20 Mar 2016 18:08:25 GMT