VICKY STEEVES (Posts about development), 20 Apr 2017 20:53:42 GMTNikola ( to Nikola! Steeves<div><p>This might be a shock to many of you (except my boyfriend and his roommate, who have been giving me sh*t about this forever), but before today I actually hard-coded my website. This meant that every time I updated a post, changed my resume, etc., I had to hard code the changes and the ripple effects.</p> <p>What was I thinking. Honestly. You can look at how painful it was <a class="reference external" href="">here</a> on GitHub. I kept it as a reminder and in case I severely messed up this whole Nikola thing, which I'm going to explain in the bulk of this post.</p> <p><a href="">Read moreā€¦</a> (7 min remaining to read)</p></div>developmentmetapost, 17 Aug 2016 21:10:00 GMT