VICKY STEEVES (Posts about advocacy), 20 Apr 2017 20:53:42 GMTNikola ( Advocacy Steeves<div><p><a href="">See original posting here.</a></p> <p>Everyone reading my posts must be saying, “Damn, this girl is obsessed with proving the value of the library! We get it already!” Blame <a href="">Jim Matarazzo</a>, my corporate libraries professor back at <a href="">Simmons</a>. He really drilled it into my head that if a library can’t prove that it’s worth having, it will be the first thing cut from a budget. And it scared me into constantly thinking about it. Thanks, Jim!</p> <p><a href="">In my last NDSR-NY post</a>, I described how the needs assessment survey can be utilized to show value on an institutional level, in the setting of meetings with business operatives and institutional leaders. In my <a href="">blog post for the SIGNAL</a>, I wrote about how programs like NDSR can prove their value on an interdisciplinary level as well as to the LIS field.</p><p><a href="">Read more…</a> (3 min remaining to read)</p></div>advocacyndsr, 14 Jan 2015 18:08:25 GMT