/** * Flowr.js - Simple jQuery plugin to emulate Flickr's justified view * For usage information refer to http://github.com/kalyan02/flowr-js * * * @author: Kalyan Chakravarthy (http://KalyanChakravarthy.net) * @version: v0.1 */ (function($) { //$("#container2").css( 'border', '1px solid #ccc'); $.fn.flowr = function(options) { $this = this; var ROW_CLASS_NAME = 'flowr-row'; // Class name for the row of flowy var MAX_LAST_ROW_GAP = 25; // If the width of last row is lesser than max-width, recalculation is needed var NO_COPY_FIELDS = ['complete', 'data', 'responsive']; // these attributes will not be carried forward for append related calls var DEFAULTS = { 'data': [], 'padding': 5, // whats the padding between flowy items 'height': 240, // Minimum height an image row should take 'render': null, // callback function to get the tag 'append': false, // TODO 'widthAttr': 'width', // a custom data structure can specify which attribute refers to height/width 'heightAttr': 'height', 'maxScale': 1.5, // In case there is only 1 elment in last row 'maxWidth': this.width() - 1, // 1px is just for offset 'itemWidth': null, // callback function for width 'itemHeight': null, // callback function for height 'complete': null, // complete callback 'rowClassName': ROW_CLASS_NAME, 'rows': -1, // Maximum number of rows to render. -1 for no limit. 'responsive': true // make content responsive }; var settings = $.extend(DEFAULTS, options); // If data is being appended, we already have settings // If we already have settings, retrieve them if (settings.append && $this.data('lastSettings')) { lastSettings = $this.data('lastSettings'); // Copy over the settings from previous init for (attr in DEFAULTS) { if (NO_COPY_FIELDS.indexOf(attr) < 0 && settings[attr] == DEFAULTS[attr]) { settings[attr] = lastSettings[attr]; } } // Check if we have an incomplete last row lastRow = $this.data('lastRow'); if (lastRow.data.length > 0 && settings.maxWidth - lastRow.width > MAX_LAST_ROW_GAP) { // Prepend the incomplete row to newly loaded data and redraw lastRowData = lastSettings.data.slice(lastSettings.data.length - lastRow.data.length - 1); settings.data = lastRowData.concat(settings.data); // Remove the incomplete row // TODO: Don't reload this stuff later. Reattach to new row. $('.' + settings.rowClassName + ':last', $this).detach(); } else { // console.log( lastRow.data.length ); // console.log( lastRow.width ); } } // only on the first initial call if (!settings.responsive && !settings.append) $this.width($this.width()); // Basic sanity checks if (!(settings.data instanceof Array)) return; if (typeof(settings.padding) != 'number') settings.padding = parseInt(settings.padding); if (typeof(settings.itemWidth) != 'function') { settings.itemWidth = function(data) { return data[settings.widthAttr]; } } if (typeof(settings.itemHeight) != 'function') { settings.itemHeight = function(data) { return data[settings.heightAttr]; } } // A standalone utility to calculate the item widths for a particular row // Returns rowWidth: width occupied & data : the items in the new row var utils = { getNextRow: function(data, settings) { var itemIndex = 0; var itemsLength = data.length; var lineItems = []; var lineWidth = 0; var maxWidth = settings.maxWidth; var paddingSize = settings.padding; // console.log( 'maxItems=' + data.length ); requiredPadding = function() { var extraPads = arguments.length == 1 ? arguments[0] : 0; return (lineItems.length - 1 + extraPads) * settings.padding; } while (lineWidth + requiredPadding() < settings.maxWidth && (itemIndex < itemsLength)) { var itemData = data[itemIndex]; var itemWidth = settings.itemWidth.call($this, itemData); var itemHeight = settings.itemHeight.call($this, itemData); var minHeight = settings.height; var minWidth = Math.floor(itemWidth * settings.height / itemHeight); if (minWidth > settings.maxWidth) { // very short+wide images like panoramas // show them even if ugly, as wide as possible minWidth = settings.maxWidth - 1 - requiredPadding(1); minHeight = settings.height * minHeight / minWidth; } var newLineWidth = lineWidth + minWidth; // console.log( 'lineWidth = ' + lineWidth ); // console.log( 'newLineWidth = ' + newLineWidth ); if (newLineWidth < settings.maxWidth) { lineItems.push({ 'height': minHeight, 'width': minWidth, 'itemData': itemData }); lineWidth += minWidth; itemIndex++; } else { // We'd have exceeded width. So break off to scale. // console.log( 'breaking off = ' + itemIndex ); // console.log( 'leave off size = ' + lineItems.length ); break; } } //while // Scale the size to max width testWidth = 0; if (lineWidth < settings.maxWidth) { var fullScaleWidth = settings.maxWidth - requiredPadding() - 10; var currScaleWidth = lineWidth; var scaleFactor = fullScaleWidth / currScaleWidth; if (scaleFactor > settings.maxScale) scaleFactor = 1; var newHeight = Math.round(settings.height * scaleFactor); for (i = 0; i < lineItems.length; i++) { var lineItem = lineItems[i]; lineItem.width = Math.floor(lineItem.width * scaleFactor); lineItem.height = newHeight; testWidth += lineItem.width; } } return { data: lineItems, width: testWidth + requiredPadding() }; }, //getNextRow reorderContent: function() { /* TODO: optimize for faster resizing by reusing dom objects instead of killing the dom */ var _initialWidth = $this.data('width'); var _newWidth = $this.width(); var _change = _initialWidth - _newWidth; if (_initialWidth != _newWidth) { $this.html(''); var _settings = $this.data('lastSettings'); _settings.data = $this.data('data'); _settings.maxWidth = $this.width() - 1; $this.flowr(_settings); } } } //utils // If the responsive var is set to true then listen for resize method // and prevent resizing from happening twice if responsive is set again during append phase! if (settings.responsive && !$this.data('__responsive')) { $(window).resize(function() { initialWidth = $this.data('width'); newWidth = $this.width(); //initiate resize if (initialWidth != newWidth) { var task_id = $this.data('task_id'); if (task_id) { task_id = clearTimeout(task_id); task_id = null; } task_id = setTimeout(utils.reorderContent, 80); $this.data('task_id', task_id); } }); $this.data('__responsive', true); } return this.each(function() { // Get a copy of original data. 1 level deep copy is sufficient. var data = settings.data.slice(0); var rowData = null; var currentRow = 0; var currentItem = 0; // Store all the data var allData = []; for (i = 0; i < data.length; i++) { allData.push(data[i]); } $this.data('data', allData); // While we have a new row while ((rowData = utils.getNextRow(data, settings)) != null && rowData.data.length > 0) { if (settings.rows > 0 && currentRow >= settings.rows) break; // remove the number of elements in the new row from the top of data stack data.splice(0, rowData.data.length); // Create a new row div, add class, append the htmls and insert the flowy items var $row = $('
').addClass(settings.rowClassName); var slack = $this[0].clientWidth - rowData.width - 2 * settings.padding for (i = 0; i < rowData.data.length; i++) { var displayData = rowData.data[i]; // Get the HTML object from custom render function passed as argument var displayObject = settings.render.call($this, displayData); displayObject = $(displayObject); extraw = Math.floor(slack/rowData.data.length) if (i == 0) { extraw += slack % rowData.data.length } // Set some basic stuff displayObject .css('width', displayData.width + extraw) .css('height', displayData.height) .css('margin-bottom', settings.padding + "px") .css('margin-left', i == 0 ? '0' : settings.padding + "px"); //TODO:Refactor $row.append(displayObject); currentItem++; } $this.append($row); // console.log ( "I> rowData.data.length="+rowData.data.length +" rowData.width="+rowData.width ); currentRow++; $this.data('lastRow', rowData); } // store the current state of settings and the items in last row // we'll need this info when we append more items $this.data('lastSettings', settings); // onComplete callback // pass back info about list of rows and items rendered if (typeof(settings.complete) == 'function') { var completeData = { renderedRows: currentRow, renderedItems: currentItem } settings.complete.call($this, completeData); } }); }; })(jQuery);