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Data management, reproducibility, labour theory, digital preservation, digital archiving, database management, web development, animal care, music, and creative writing.


Simmons College Boston, MA, USA

Master of Library and Information Science August 2014

GPA: 3.85
Research Opportunities

Small World Project. Research done accompanying Dr. Kathy Wisser, March-June 2014. I provided software analysis using Gephi, a data visualization software, on researchers' social network analysis of historical relationships between literary figures.

Bachelor of Science in Computer Science and Information Technology May 2013

GPA: 3.75
Honours Thesis: Computational Linguistic Approach to Inflection in Human Speech and Difference in Meaning
Study Abroad: Celtic Studies, University College Cork, Cork, Ireland, Summer 2012
Research Opportunities

"A Computational Linguistics Approach to Inflection and Difference in Meaning". Research completed accompanying Dr. Nanette Veilleux, August 2012-August 2013.
"No Place To Go: A Discussion on LGBTQ Youth Homelessness in Boston" Research completed as a part of the Simmons World Challenge, January 2011

Honours and Achievements: