Data, Science, & Librarians,
Oh My!

My thoughts as I navigate the world of data librarianship.

Goals for 2016 & How I'll Make Them Happen

If you’ve been following this blog for a while, or even took a quick look on my resume page, you’ll see I haven’t been at my position at NYU for very long. January 3rd marks the fifth month (to the day!) that I’ve been NYU’s official “Research Data Management and Reproducibility Librarian.” There was a bit of an adjustment period where I just spent the majority of my time introducing myself to my colleagues, getting to know what my daily workflow would look like, and brainstorm with Nick about what our services will look like, some good groups for targeted outreach, and what classes we are going to teach as a part of Data Services typical course offerings.

This was all well and good, but since I started in August I missed the goal-setting timeline that is typical for my colleagues. As such, I wanted to make some, and my supervisor in the library thought it would be a good way to measure growth besides. Plus, since I’m pretty early career, setting goals for a measurable outcome was kind of new for something not project based. This was just trying to assess my own growth, not necessarily the growth of a project I’m working on.

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Presenting at CNI

This month was excellent as it marked my first ever professional presentation as a NYU Librarian :)

Last year during NDSR, it seemed like I was giving a presentation at a conference, professional organization meeting, webinar, etc. every other week. It’s been exceptionally restful (well, sort of...) to spend these past 5 months getting to know NYU, my colleagues, the scope of my work, and really just getting a feel for my day-to-day.

One of the most exciting outputs from my first semester here at NYU has surrounded my work on the Moore-Sloan Data Science Environment ( Back in October (link to Oct 2015 post), I wrote about the MSDSE Summit that was held at Suncadia Resort in Washington state. God it was so incredibly beautiful there and I got to do some really cool stuff, but the best thing that happened was definitely meeting Jenny Muilenburg and Erik Mitchell.

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My First LITA

A few weeks ago, I attend the Library Information Technology Association’s Forum. Over the 13-15th, I attended several sessions, explored Minneapolis for the first time, and met some really awesome people. I was, as always, a bit nervous attending a new conference but the organizers had some really great 101-type sessions, and even set up a Slack channel which I found to be immensely helpful throughout the day. People organized dinners, discussed sessions in real-time, posed questions, and uploaded some hysterical gifs.

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