Data, Science, & Librarians,
Oh My!

My thoughts as I navigate the world of data librarianship.


This week I made my first trek down to Virginia to engage with the Center for Open Science IRL! After just about a year of emails, hangouts, and calls, I was excited to see the space in which I think some really innovative tech is being developed for the open X community. The second week of July was designated as SHARE week: Monday and Tuesday was the SHARE hackathon, Wednesday and half of Thursday was the SHARE community meeting, and the last half of Thursday and Friday was the SHARE Curation Associates kick off orientation.

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I just got back from the most BEAUTIFUL two week vacation in France with my SO, Rémi. Look at all the places we went!!

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So. Many. Conferences.

My first two weeks of May have been just explicitly devoted to conferences. Planning, executing, attending, surveying -- you name it, I've been doing it in relation to some event or another. It's actually been great, but so exhausting. I am definitely giving a lot of props to event planners for doing this as their day-to-day.

  1. NYU Reproducibility Symposium
  2. RDAP Summit
  3. DASPOS Workshop on Containerizing Science
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