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<h1 class="blog-title">Data, Science, & Librarians, <br /> Oh My!</h1>
<p class="lead blog-description">My thoughts as I navigate the world of data librarianship.</p>
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<h2 class="blog-post-title">So Long, Farewell, Auf Wiedersehen, Adieu</h2>
<p class="blog-post-meta">June 2, 2015 by <a href="http://ndsr.nycdigital.org/2014-2015-residents/">NDSR 2014/15 Cohort</a> for the NDSR-NY Residents' Blog. <a href="http://ndsr.nycdigital.org/so-long-farewell-auf-wiedersehen-adieu/">See original posting here.</a></p>
<p>Well folks, this marks the final post from the 2014-15 NDSR-NY cohort. Before we officially sign off we wanted to say a big thank you to everyone who has followed our journeys via this blog, and offer some final thoughts on what the residency has meant to us.</p>
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<p class="caption">The NDSR-NY 2014-15 cohort.</p></div>
<p><strong>Shira:</strong> I’ve learned so much over the past 9 months that it’s hard to know where to begin. When I think back to when we began this residency I’m amazed at what we’ve managed to accomplish since September: between the 5 of us we’ve published over 50 blog posts, attended and/or presented at over 20 conferences, tweeted about our projects more or less continuously, and published 15 articles. And of course that’s not to mention all the project deliverables themselves! I’m so grateful that I had the opportunity to be a part of this residency. Working with my colleagues and mentors at the Carnegie Hall Archives has been an absolute pleasure. They were supportive and generous with their time and I feel lucky to have had the opportunity to learn from them. The same goes for my incredible cohort. Peggy, Vicky, Karl and Julia: you guys have taught me so much. I’m thankful for the wisdom, words of encouragement, and advice you have given to me over the course of this residency, and I’m truly sad to be saying goodbye.</p>
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<h2 class="blog-post-title">So you've decided to apply to NDSR....</h2>
<p class="blog-post-meta">May 1, 2015 by <a href="http://ndsr.nycdigital.org/2014-2015-residents/">NDSR 2014/15 Cohort</a> for the NDSR-NY Residents' Blog. <a href="http://ndsr.nycdigital.org/so-youve-decided-to-apply-to-ndsr/">See original posting here.</a></p>
<p>Applications to the 2015-16 National Digital Stewardship Residencies in New York are open! The deadline to apply has been extended by two weeks, to <b>Friday, May 22</b>! Woo! As if you needed more good news than that, METRO also recently announced the host institutions for this round of residencies, and they’re very exciting (like we’d probably compete with you for them if we could!). You can learn all about them and their projects <a title="NDSR 2015-16 hosts and projects" href="http://ndsr.nycdigital.org/projects-201516/" target="_blank"><b>here</b></a>.</p>
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<h2 class="blog-post-title">Project Update: DONE WITH ANALYSIS</h2>
<p class="blog-post-meta">April 14, 2015 by <a href="../../about.html">Vicky Steeves</a> for the NDSR-NY Residents' Blog. <a href="http://ndsr.nycdigital.org/project-update/">See original posting here.</a></p>
<p>Originally, I had my presentation scheduled for about 10 minutes but due to time constraints on the agenda, it was shortened to five. This meant I speed-talked my way through all the analyses I had finished the Friday before (April 3) while hoping to impress on everyone there that the risk of data loss is not only imminent, but inevitable. Given the questions and comments I received directly after my presentation and in the week to come, I can say this presentation was a definite success.</p>
<p>For the Residency itself, all I have left to do is my final report--this is a compilation of my previous reports and analyses with recommendations for storage, management, and preservation of the Museum’s vast scientific collections and research data. These previous reports include: a plan for the length of retention for digital assets, an environmental scan to see what other similar institutions are doing for their data, and an overview of what federal agencies fund AMNH research, and whether those agencies require data management plans or not. All these previous reports will come together to form my recommendations as well as provide the Museum with the information it needs to understand and interpret my recommendations.</p>
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<h2 class="blog-post-title">NMNH, METRO, & Outsourcing, oh my!</h2>
<p class="blog-post-meta">March 24, 2015 by <a href="../../about.html">Vicky Steeves</a> for the NDSR-NY Residents' Blog. <a href="http://ndsr.nycdigital.org/outsourcing/">See original posting here.</a></p>
<p>Hi everyone!! So, like Karl, I was recently asked to write a post on another blog (<a href="http://www.mnh.si.edu/rc/fieldbooks/" target="_blank">The Smithsonian Field book Project blog!</a>) and thought, instead of rewriting the whole post and publishing it here, I could just point our lovely readers in the right direction!</p>
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<h2 class="blog-post-title">code4Lib 2015!</h2>
<p class="blog-post-meta">February 12, 2015 by <a href="../../about.html">Vicky Steeves</a> for the NDSR-NY Residents' Blog. <a href="http://ndsr.nycdigital.org/code4lib-2015/">See original posting here.</a></p>
<p>Hi everyone, this is Vicky reporting from Portland, Oregon! I am here on the west coast for the first time attending <a href="http://code4lib.org/conference/2015/" target="_blank">code4Lib 2015</a>, and since today is the last day of the conference, I thought I’d give everyone a bit of a report about what went on here.</p>
<p>First, I want to talk about the format of presentations at code4Lib. It’s absolutely unlike any other conference I’ve ever been too. There are no multiple sessions going at once. Everything is streamlined into one room. Yes--we sat in a room from 9-5pm watching 20 minute presentations, with an hour for lunch and two to three half hour breaks. This sounds really daunting but I have to tell you--it was so refreshing! I’ll talk a little bit more about the actual presentations later on.</p>
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<h2 class="blog-post-title">Library Advocacy</h2>
<p class="blog-post-meta">January 14, 2015 by <a href="../../about.html">Vicky Steeves</a> for the NDSR-NY Residents' Blog. <a href="http://ndsr.nycdigital.org/library-advocacy/">See original posting here.</a></p>
<p>Everyone reading my posts must be saying, “Damn, this girl is obsessed with proving the value of the library! We get it already!” Blame <a href="http://www.simmons.edu/slis/faculty/fulltime/matarazzo.php" target="_blank">Jim Matarazzo</a>, my corporate libraries professor back at <a href="http://www.simmons.edu/slis/" target="_blank">Simmons</a>. He really drilled it into my head that if a library can’t prove that it’s worth having, it will be the first thing cut from a budget. And it scared me into constantly thinking about it. Thanks, Jim!</p>
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<h2 class="blog-post-title">Party on, AMNH!</h2>
<p class="blog-post-meta">December 18, 2014 by <a href="../../about.html">Vicky Steeves</a>for the NDSR-NY Residents' Blog. <a href="http://ndsr.nycdigital.org/party-on-amnh/">See original posting here.</a></p>
<p>Hello everyone! Vicky here to bring you some holiday cheer. I thought, since this is our last post before Hanukkah, Yule, Life Day, Festivus, Kwanzaa , Pancha Ganapati, Soyal, the Dongzhi Festival, Christmas, Newtonmas, Boxing Day, Omisoka, and New Years, I could wind down a busy few months by talking about the American Museum of Natural History party season!</p>
<p>Just about every day of the week, starting from the 10th of December to the 19th, there is a party at the AMNH. Each department has their own parties, some are small and attended mostly by people within the department; others are all staff events with food, drinks, and music.</p>
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<h2 class="blog-post-title">Prove Yourself: Needs Assessment Edition</h2>
<p class="blog-post-meta">November 10, 2014 by <a href="../../about.html">Vicky Steeves</a>for the NDSR-NY Residents' Blog. <a href="http://ndsr.nycdigital.org/prove-yourself-needs-assessment-edition/">See original posting here.</a></p>
<p>What I’ve come to love about the library science field (which after years of waiting tables you’d think I’d hate) is the service aspect to everything we do. Librarians are intensely user-focused in all of our work: through the use of needs assessment surveys, we mold our libraries to what users want, expect, and need. We use the results to design programs, buy technology, even create positions within a library (YA librarian is a thing because of that!). Some common ways to implement a library assessment include focus groups, interviews, scorecards, comment cards, usage statistics from circulation and reference, and surveys sent to users via email or on paper.</p>
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<h2 class="blog-post-title">Science: The Final Frontier</h2>
<p class="blog-post-meta">October 23, 2014 by <a href="../../about.html">Vicky Steeves</a> for the NDSR-NY Residents' Blog. <a href="http://ndsr.nycdigital.org/science-the-final-frontier/">See original posting here.</a></p>
<p>Science: the final frontier. These are the voyages of Vicky Steeves. Her nine-month mission: to explore how scientific data can be preserved more efficiently at <a href="http://www.amnh.org/our-research" target="_blank">the American Museum of Natural History</a>, to boldly interview every member of science staff involved in data creation and management, to go into the depths of the Museum where none have gone before.</p>
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<p>Digital preservation, digital archiving, librarianship, systems engineering, database management, web development, software engineering and development, computational linguistics, social networking, programming for mobile devices, LGBTQA studies, gender studies, animal care, outdoorsmanship, music, and creative writing.</p>
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<li>Simmons College, Boston, MA, USA:</li>
<li>Master of Library and Information Science, August 2014
<ul><li>GPA: 3.85</li></ul>
<li>Bachelor of Science in Computer Science and Information Technology, May 2013</li>
<ul><li>GPA: 3.75</li>
<li>Honours Thesis: Computational Linguistic Approach to Inflection in Human Speech and Difference in Meaning</li></ul>
<li>Study Abroad:</li>
<ul><li>Celtic Studies, University College Cork, Cork, Ireland, Summer 2012</li></ul>
<li>Research Opportunities</li>
<ul><li><a href="http://gslis.simmons.edu/smallworld/smallworldProjectStaff.html">Small World Project:</a></li>
<ul><li>Research done accompanying Dr. Kathy Wisser, March-June 2014
<li>Research completed. I provided software analysis using Gephi, a data visualization software, on researchers' social network analysis of historical relationships between literary figures.</li></ul></ul>
<ul><li>"A Computational Linguistics Approach to Inflection and Difference in Meaning"</li>
<ul><li>Research completed accompanying Dr. Nanette Veilleux, August 2012-August 2013.</li></ul></ul>
<ul><li>"No Place To Go: A Discussion on LGBTQ Youth Homelessness in Boston"</li>
<ul><li>Research completed as a part of the Simmons World Challenge, January 2011</li></ul></ul>
<ul><li>"The Harm (or lack thereof) of Marijuana"</li>
<ul><li>Research completed as a part of an introductory research methods course.</li></ul></ul></ul>
<ul><li>Honours Program: Participant 2010-2013</li>
<li>CS-Math Liaison: President 2012-2013; Treasurer 2011-2012</li>
<li>Simmons College LGBTQA Alliance: President 2012-2013; Treasurer 2011-2012; Political Activism Chair 2010-2011</li>
<li>Simmons College SciFi and Fantasy Club: Founder and Participant 2010-2013</li>
<li>Simmons World Challenge: Participant January 2012</li></ul></ul>
<ul><li>Honours and Achievements: </li>
<ul><li>College of Arts and Sciences Dean's Fellow Award; 2013-2014</li>
<li>The Computer Science Award, given for academic excellence in comp sci; 2013</li>
<li>Collaborative Research Experience for Undergraduates, $15,000 research grant, given to encourage women in the STEM fields to complete research studies in their field, 2012-2013</li>
<li>Alumnae Endowed Scholarship; 2012-2013</li>
<li>Simmons College Grant, given to aid in research costs for field research; 2012-2013</li>
<li>Bowker Award for Travel, given to undergraduates who demonstrate academic excellence while completing studies abroad; Summer 2012</li>
<li>Independant Order of Oddfellows Scholarship, 2010-2013</li>
<li>President Merit Scholarship, given to students whose academic achievement and personal qualities indicate they will perform to the highest academic level, 2010-2013</li>
<li>Simmons College 3-1 Program, where students complete an undergraduate degree in three years and a master's degree in one year, first participant; 2010-present</li>
<li>Simmons College Dean's List, 2010-2013</li>
<li>United Pilgrimage for Youth, sponsored participant; Summer 2009</li></ul></ul></ul>
<li>Hamilton Wenham Regional High School, Hamilton, MA, USA: </li>
<ul><li>High School Diploma, June 2010</li></ul>
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<li>New York University, Librarian for Research Data Management and Reproducibility, August 2015-present</li>
<li>Dual appointment between NYU Division of Libraries and NYU Center for Data Science</li>
<li>Provide instructional and consultation services in RDM and reproducibility to faculty and advanced students</li>
<li>Advise researchers on how to meet the data management and open data requirements of publishers and federal funding agencies</li>
<li>Moore/Sloan Data Science Environment team member; Reproducibility Working Group member and Libraries Working Group member</li>
<li>Assist in efforts to design a data repository and storage infrastructure for researchers at the University.</li>
<li>Metropolitan New York Library Council, Interim Program Coordinator, June 2015-July 2015; December 2015-May 2016</li>
<ul><li>Day-to-day coordinator of METRO’s National Digital Stewardship Residency in New York <a href="http://ndsr.nycdigital.org/">(NDSR-NY)</a> program</li>
<li>Contribute to project planning, communications, documentation, evaluations, outreach, and help maintain the program’s web presence and online platforms.</li>
<li>Plan, organize, and help run NDSR-affiliated events, meetings, and workshops.</li>
<li>Serve as a representative and contact for NDSR-NY program in collaboration with host institutions, NDSR residents and Library of Congress and NDSR-Boston program staff.</li></ul>
<li>American Museum of Natural History, National Digital Stewardship Resident, September 2014-May 2015</li>
<ul><li>See my NDSR application video <a href="https://youtu.be/3oS4boUD9ms">here!</a></li>
<li>Survey the Science divisions to better understand their data storage, curation, and preservation needs.</li>
<li>Identify existing practices and policies for integrated data storage, access, and management.</li>
<li>Recommend strategies to digitally preserve the scientific research at the AMNH.</li></ul>
<li>Sasaki Associates, Archives Intern; January 2014-April 2014
<ul><li>Process historical architectural material and write the accompanying finding aid.</li>
<li>Create records for each collection processed and catalogue them in Koha ILS.</li></ul>
<li>Simmons College, Dean's Fellow for Technology; September 2013-June 2014
<ul><li>Manage social media technology for undergraduate science departments.</li>
<li>Generate interest in STEM at Simmons through social media outreach to alumnae, current students, and prospective students, through working on content creation with faculty.</li></ul>
<li>Simmons College, Technical Resource Assistant; September 2013-June 2014
<ul><li>Provide technical instruction to students, staff, and faculty at the Graduate School of Library and Information Science (GSLIS).</li>
<li>Troubleshoot hard/software issues within GSLIS for students, staff, and faculty.</li></ul>
<li>IES Technical Sales, Contracted Web Developer; May 2013-September 2013
<ul><li>Update the company website, developing and implementing design and operational upgrades.</li>
<li>Assess and adapt to changing client needs through the development and deployment phase.</li></ul>
<li>Simmons College, Tutor in Computer Science; September 2012-2013
<ul><li>Provide one-on-one tutoring for students in computer science classes.</li>
<li>Lead group study sessions for upcoming evaluations, tests, and projects.</li></ul>
<li>Tutors For All, Campus Representative; January 2012-May 2012
<ul><li>Enhance Tutors for All's social media pages through graphic design work and constant updating.</li>
<li>Generate new leads among college campus populations through social media outreach.</li></ul>
<li>Simmons College, Teacher's Assistant in Computer Science; 2011-2013
<ul><li>Create classwork, homework, and quizzes for students to complete.</li>
<li>Grade students' work and report these grades to the instructor.</li></ul>
<li>Simmons College, Lab Monitor for Computer Science Laboratory; 2011-2013
<ul><li>Assist students with troubleshooting soft/hardware issues.</li>
<li>Repair and maintain computers in the computer science laboratory.</li></ul>
<li>Not Your Average Joe's, Server; May 2011-present
<ul><li>Communicate positively and effectively with guests and coworkers.</li>
<li>Assimilate guest information rapidly while anticipating guests' needs.</li></ul>
<li>Tutors For All, Lead Tutor; September 2010-May 2011
<ul><li>Mentor and lead a group of tutors, including reviewing and editing their lesson plans and progress reports.</li>
<li>Evaluate student performance with progress reports and communicate that progress to their guardians.</li></ul>
<li>Cape Ann Community Theatre, Choreographer; March 2010-June 2010
<ul><li>Choreograph dance routines for the musical "How to Succeed in Business Without Really Trying."</li>
<li>Teach these routines to performers and provide dance direction throughout rehearsal process.</li></ul>
<li>Hamilton-Wenham Regional Library, Page/Librarian's Assistant; September 2009- August 2010
<ul><li>Re-shelve library materials after patrons have returned them.</li>
<li>Remain flexible and assist librarians in their various projects around the library.</li></li></ul>
<li>Safe Harbor Tang Soo Do, Instructor & Camp Counselor; May 2005-September 2009
<ul><li>Teach a one-hour martial arts class for students ages 4-13, of all ranks.</li>
<li>Lead the students in activities daily including arts and crafts, athletic activities, and many others.</li></ul>
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<li><a href="https://www.cni.org/topics/digital-curation/organizational-implications-of-data-science-environments-in-education-research-and-research-management-in-libraries" target="_blank">Organizational Implications of Data Science Environments in Education, Research, and Research Management in Libraries</a>, <a href="https://www.cni.org/events/membership-meetings/past-meetings/fall-2015" target="_blank">Coalition for Networked Information Meeting</a>, December 2015</li>
<ul><li><a href="https://osf.io/fqcr7/" target="_blank">slides and materials</a></li>
<li><a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L0G9JsPMEXY" target="_blank">video</a></li></ul>
<li><a href="http://www2.archivists.org/sites/all/files/MAS%20Newsletter%20Summer%202015-new.pdf" target="_blank">Preserving Scientific Research Data at the American Museum of Natural History</a>, MAS Newsletter, August 2015</li>
<li>“Managing and Preservation Data Sets” METRO Webinar, July 2015</li>
<li>“Panel Discussion with the National Digital Stewardship NY Residents” ARLIS/NY Meeting, March 2015</li>
<li>“The Next Generation of Digital Stewards: the NDSR Program” Mid-Atlantic Regional Archives & New England Archivists Conference, March 2015</li>
<li>“NDSR-NY Notes from the Field: Preserving Scientific Data at the American Museum of Natural History” Preservation and Archiving Special Interest Group Meeting, March 2015</li>
<li>“The Next Frontier of Stewardship: the Value of Field Books in a Digital Age” Fieldbook Project Blog, National Museum of Natural History, February 2015</li>
<li>“Scientific Data: A Needs Assessment Journey” American Library Association Mid-Winter Conference, January 2015</li>
<li>“NDSR-NY Panel Discussion” METRO 2015 Annual Conference, January 2015</li>
<li>“The Value of the NDSR: Residents and Mentors Weigh In” The SIGNAL Blog, Library of Congress, November 2015</li>
<li>2014-2015 NDSR-NY Resident's Blog, Contributor, September 2014-June 2015
<li>“A Computational Linguistic Approach to Inflection in Human Speech and Difference in Meaning” Simmons College Undergraduate Conference, April 2013</li>
<li>“A Computational Linguistic Approach to Inflection in Human Speech and Difference in Meaning” Richard Tapia Celebration of Diversity in Computing Conference, February 2013</li>
<li>“No Place To Go: A Discussion on LGBTQ Youth Homeless in Boston” Simmons College Undergraduate Conference, April 2012</li>
<li>“The Harm (or lack thereof) of Marijuana” Simmons College Undergraduate Conference, April 2011</li>
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<li>American Library Association; September 2014-present</li>
<li>Association for Computing Machinery; September 2012-present</li>
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<li>Platforms: Microsoft Windows, Mac OSX, and Ubuntu Linux </li>
<li>Programming Languages: Java, Java for Android, C, C++, Objective C, Python, Perl, PHP, SQL, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, jQuery (library), AJAX, XML, and Praat
<li>Library Standards: MARC, Dublin Core, DACS, EAD, LC, and Dewey</li>
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