<p>Download a PDF copy of my CV: <ahref="https://gitlab.com/VickySteeves/cv/blob/master/original/vicky-cv.pdf">gitlab.com/VickySteeves/cv/blob/master/original/vicky-cv.pdf</a></p>
<p>Data management, reproducibility, labour theory, digital preservation, digital archiving, database management, web development, animal care, music, and creative writing.</p>
<p><ahref="http://gslis.simmons.edu/smallworld/smallworldProjectStaff.html">Small World Project.</a> Research done accompanying Dr. Kathy Wisser, March-June 2014. I provided software analysis using Gephi, a data visualization software, on researchers' social network analysis of historical relationships between literary figures.</p>
<h4style="text-decoration: underline;">Bachelor of Science in Computer Science and Information Technology <smallclass="text-muted">May 2013</small></h4>
<p>"A Computational Linguistics Approach to Inflection and Difference in Meaning". Research completed accompanying Dr. Nanette Veilleux, August 2012-August 2013.<br/>"No Place To Go: A Discussion on LGBTQ Youth Homelessness in Boston" Research completed as a part of the Simmons World Challenge, January 2011</p>
<li>College of Arts and Sciences Dean's Fellow Award; 2013-2014</li>
<li>The Computer Science Award, given for academic excellence in comp sci; 2013</li>
<li>Collaborative Research Experience for Undergraduates, $15,000 research grant, given to encourage women in the STEM fields to complete research studies in their field, 2012-2013</li>
<li>Alumnae Endowed Scholarship; 2012-2013</li>
<li>Simmons College Grant, given to aid in research costs for field research; 2012-2013</li>
<li>Bowker Award for Travel, given to undergraduates who demonstrate academic excellence while completing studies abroad; Summer 2012</li>
<li>Independant Order of Oddfellows Scholarship, 2010-2013</li>
<li>President Merit Scholarship, given to students whose academic achievement and personal qualities indicate they will perform to the highest academic level, 2010-2013</li>
<li>Simmons College 3-1 Program, where students complete an undergraduate degree in three years and a master's degree in one year, first participant; 2010-present</li>
<li>Simmons College Dean's List, 2010-2013</li>
<li>United Pilgrimage for Youth, sponsored participant; Summer 2009</li>
<li>Day-to-day coordinator of METRO’s National Digital Stewardship Residency in New York <ahref="http://ndsr.nycdigital.org/">(NDSR-NY)</a> program</li>
<li>Contribute to project planning, communications, documentation, evaluations, outreach, and help maintain the program’s web presence and online platforms.</li>
<li>Plan, organize, and help run NDSR-affiliated events, meetings, and workshops.</li>
<li>Serve as a representative and contact for NDSR-NY program in collaboration with host institutions, NDSR residents and Library of Congress and NDSR-Boston program staff.</li>
<li>Manage social media technology for undergraduate science departments.</li>
<li>Generate interest in STEM at Simmons through social media outreach to alumnae, current students, and prospective students, through working on content creation with faculty.</li>
<li>Steeves, V., Chirigati, F., Rampin R. (2017) "<ahref="https://osf.io/preprints/lissa/5tm8d">Using ReproZip for Reproducibility and Library Services</a>", Pre-Print available on the <ahref="https://osf.io/preprints/lissa">LIS Scholarship Archive</a>.</li>
<li>Rampin, R., Chirigati, F., Shasha, D., Steeves, V., Freire, J. (2016, December 1) "<ahref="http://dx.doi.org/10.21105/joss.00107">ReproZip: The Reproducibility Packer</a>", <ahref="http://joss.theoj.org">The Journal of Open Source Software</a>. 1.8.</li>
<li>Blumenthal, K.-R., Griesinger, P., Julia, Peltzman, S., & Steeves, V. (2016, October 6) "<ahref="https://osf.io/zndwq">What makes a digital steward: A competency profile based on the National Digital Stewardship Residencies</a>", iPres 2016: The 13th International Conference on Digital Preservation. Bern, Switzerland.</li>
<li><ahref="https://vickysteeves.gitlab.io/2017-SciPy">Creating Reproducible Experiments with ReproZip</a>, Steeves, V. &<ahref="https://remram.fr/">Rampin, R.</a>, Chirigati, F. <ahref="https://scipy2017.scipy.org/ehome/index.php?eventid=220975&"> SciPy 2017</a>, July 2017. Austin, Texas.</li>
<li><ahref="https://osf.io/sy2zf/">Open, Public Goods Infrastructure for Research Management & Discovery</a>, Spitzer, M., Steeves, V., & Hudson-Vitale, C., IASSIST 2017, May 2017. Kansas City, Kansas.</li>
<li><ahref="https://gitlab.com/VickySteeves/2017-IASSIST-ReproZip">Reproducing and Preserving Research with ReproZip</a>, Steeves, V., & Rampin, R., IASSIST 2017, May 2017. Kansas City, Kansas.</li>
<li><ahref="https://osf.io/s6fw9/">ReproZip for Reproducible Research</a>, Steeves, V., & Rampin, R., PresQT Workshop One, May 2017. Notre Dame University. Additional Roles:<li>Invited Panelist</li><li>Lead 2 breakout sessions focusing on reproducing workshop participants' work with ReproZip</li>
<li><ahref="https://osf.io/umy6g/">Reproducible computational research in the publication cycle</a>, Steeves, V., Rampin, R., & Nüst, D, European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2017, April 2017. Vienna, Austria.</li>
<li><ahref="https://drive.google.com/open?id=1ia7MYiIEoJF1D5G0YsolwsxHGPT6pmiwC8-yqUg1q_Q">Panel Presentation: Reproducibility: the What, Why, & How</a> in 'Open Science: Understanding Modern Research Practices.' Vicky Steeves, Robin Champieux, Jeff Leek, Brett Davidson, Eka Grguric. Association of Research and College Libraries Conference, March 25, 2017. Balitmore, Maryland.</li>
<li><ahref="https://vickysteeves.github.io/2016-LITA-OpenDataServices/#/">"Using Openness as Foundation for Research Data Management Services"</a>. Wolf, N., & Steeves, V., <ahref="http://litaforum.org/">Library and Information Technology Association Forum</a>, November 2016. Fort Worth, Texas.</li>
<li><ahref="https://osf.io/wvrpg/">ReproZip: Reproducibility with Ease"</a>, Steeves, V. &<ahref="https://remram.fr/">Rampin, R.</a>, <ahref="https://daspos.crc.nd.edu/index.php/workshops/container-strategies-for-data-software-preservation-that-promote-open-science"> DASPOS: Container Strategies for Data & Software Preservation that Promote Open Science</a>, May 2016. Notre Dame University. Additional Roles:<li>Invited Panelist</li><li>Lead 3 breakout sessions focusing on reproducing workshop participants' work with ReproZip</li>
<li><ahref="http://www.asis.org/rdap/program-2016/#poster">"Collaborating to Create a Culture of Data Stewardship"</a> Poster presented with Andrew S. Gordon (Databrary) and Kevin B. Read (NYU Health Science Library), at the Research Data Access and Preservation Summit 2016</li>
<li><ahref="http://escholarship.umassmed.edu/escience_symposium/2016/posters/2/">"Bridging the Gap: Improving Data Services through Cross-Campus Collaboration"</a> (2016). Poster presented with Andrew S. Gordon (Databrary) and Kevin B. Read (NYU Health Science Library), 2016 University of Massachusetts and New England Area Librarian e-Science Symposium.</li>
<li>Steeves, V., <ahref="http://escience.washington.edu/people/jenny-mullenburg/">Muilenburg, J.</a>, &<ahref="https://bids.berkeley.edu/people/erik-mitchell">Mitchell, E.</a> (2015, December 14) <ahref="http://doi.org/10.17605/OSF.IO/RHGQ3">"Organizational Implications of Data Science Environments in Education, Research, and Research Management in Libraries"</a>. <ahref="https://www.cni.org/events/membership-meetings/past-meetings/fall-2015">Coalition of Networked Information Fall Meeting</a>. Washington D.C., USA. <ahref="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L0G9JsPMEXY">Video</a></li>
<li><ahref="http://www2.archivists.org/sites/all/files/MAS%20Newsletter%20Summer%202015-new.pdf">Preserving Scientific Research Data at the American Museum of Natural History</a>, MAS Newsletter, August 2015</li>
<li>"Managing and Preservation Data Sets” METRO Webinar, July 2015</li>
<li>"Panel Discussion with the National Digital Stewardship NY Residents” ARLIS/NY Meeting, March 2015</li>
<li>"The Next Generation of Digital Stewards: the NDSR Program” Mid-Atlantic Regional Archives & New England Archivists Conference, March 2015</li>
<li>"NDSR-NY Notes from the Field: Preserving Scientific Data at the American Museum of Natural History” Preservation and Archiving Special Interest Group Meeting, March 2015</li>
<li>"The Next Frontier of Stewardship: the Value of Field Books in a Digital Age” Fieldbook Project Blog, National Museum of Natural History, February 2015</li>
<li>"Scientific Data: A Needs Assessment Journey” American Library Association Mid-Winter Conference, January 2015</li>
<li>"NDSR-NY Panel Discussion” METRO 2015 Annual Conference, January 2015</li>
<li>"The Value of the NDSR: Residents and Mentors Weigh In” The SIGNAL Blog, Library of Congress, November 2015</li>
<li>2014-2015 NDSR-NY Resident's Blog, Contributor, September 2014-June 2015
<li>"A Computational Linguistic Approach to Inflection in Human Speech and Difference in Meaning” Simmons College Undergraduate Conference, April 2013</li>
<li>"A Computational Linguistic Approach to Inflection in Human Speech and Difference in Meaning” Richard Tapia Celebration of Diversity in Computing Conference, February 2013</li>
<li>"No Place To Go: A Discussion on LGBTQ Youth Homeless in Boston” Simmons College Undergraduate Conference, April 2012</li>
<li>"The Harm (or lack thereof) of Marijuana” Simmons College Undergraduate Conference, April 2011</li>
<li><ahref="http://acrl.ala.org/dh/2018/04/04/repro/">Data Librarianship: A Path and an Ethic | A conversation between Thomas Padilla and Vicky Steeves | dh + lib</a></li>
<li>Created a <ahref="https://fyoaw.vickysteeves.com/">database</a> of women working in openness [<ahref="https://gitlab.com/VickySteeves/Women-Leaders-Openness">source</a>]</li>
<li>Collaborated with Rémi Rampin to create a <ahref="https://github.com/ViDA-NYU/reproducibility-news">Reproducibility RSS feed</a> to publish, in a single place, news, resources, and other links surrounding reproducibility, replication, and good and open science. Wrote a Twitter bot <ahref="https://twitter.com/ReproFeed">@ReproFeed</a> to automatically tweet out RSS feed as it updates.</li>
<li>Ongoing collaborations with the <ahref="https://cos.io/">Center for Open Science</a>: Serve as an Open Science Framework Ambassador, Participant in the 2016 SHARE Curation Associates program. </li>
<li>Participant in the 2016 eDLF Data Management Cohort.</li>
<li>Created and currently maintain a soft incentives program to encourage RDM amongst library patrons, called the <ahref="https://osf.io/85bnv/wiki/home/">Research Data Management Badges</a>, where patrons can accrue points through attending Data Services classes, practicing good data management, and making their research open access to earn a badge. </li>
<li>Redeveloped and currently maintain the new Data Services blog, <ahref="http://data-services.hosting.nyu.edu/">Data Dispatch</a>, through piloting a new web hosting service for the Digital Scholarship Services called reClaim.</li>
<li>Organized <ahref="https://reproduciblescience.org/nyu/events/reproducibility-symposium-2016/">the NYU Reproducibility Symposium</a>, a showcase of tools to help make the reproducibility process easy. There were also keynotes and lightning talks on case studies showing how creating reproducible experiments has helped other research groups. May 2016.</li>
<li>Created and currently maintain <ahref="https://reproduciblescience.org">reproduciblescience.org</a>, a source of information for the general community on resources, news, and tools for reproducibility. Created and currently maintain <ahref="https://reproduciblescience.org/nyu/">reproduciblescience.org/nyu</a>, a source of information for the NYU community on events, resources, and expertise on campus for reproducibility.</li>
<li>Planned and executed <ahref="https://loveyourdata.wordpress.com/">"Love Your Data Week 2016"</a> at New York University with Nick Wolf, Kevin B. Read, and Alisa Surkis.</li>
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