<-- .. title: Characters .. slug: characters .. date: 2019-10-24 .. type: text -->
Jobin Bottleglass Doubtfire

Jobin Bottleglass Doubtfire is a mystery man, famous for one monologue.

Tiffany Loveless

Tiffany is a Human Bard, Chaotic Neutral. She plays a ukelele and constantly wears the wedding dress that she had on when she was left at the altar.

Bobby Dogood

Bobby is a Half-Orc Ranger, Lawful Good. He is an Orc Scout from Troop 67, but got lost from his troop one day and was too ashamed to return just yet. He'll prove himself so his parent's aren't mad.

Al Pastor

Al Pastor is a Changeling Rogue with no alignment. Al has a mercenary background but has developed a love of the arts since joining the crew.

Teddy Sparks
Teddy Sparks

Teddy is an Eladrin Elf Bladesinger/Wizard, Neutral Good. He is highly intelligent and very affable, if somewhat awkward, but is working toward becoming as charismatic as his childhood swashbuckling heroes. Teddy seeks his fortune with bright, if naive, eyes.

Captain Dola
Captain Dola

Dola is a Chaotic Good Variant Human Fighter. She is the captain of a gang of air pirates made up of her seven sons and husband Motro. Her airship is called the Tiger Moth.

Dola's Boys
Dola's Boys

The gang is a band of air pirates consisting of Dola's husband Motro (ship mechanic) and their seven sons (the gang), at least some of whom may be adopted due to how different they look from one another. They are the crew for the Tiger Moth.