
88 lines
4.0 KiB

baseurl: "https://lorescape.xyz/"
title: "Lorescape"
theme: "zen"
enableEmoji: true
languageCode: "en-US"
name: "Vicky Zelda"
contact: "info@lorescape.xyz"
copyright: "Original content is licensed [CC BY-NC](https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/)."
dateformat: "2006-01-02" # Set the date format, default to "2 January, 2006"
description: "" # Set site description, used in meta tags and JSON-LD
metadescription: ""
favicon: "favicon.ico" # Relative path to favicon in json feed, no leading slash.
feedlinks: true # Show feed links in the footer.
footer: ""
icon: "favicon-32x32.png" # Relative path to icon in json feed and JSON-LD, no leading slash.
image: "images/logo.png" # Relative path to site image in JSON-LD, no leading slash.
imageMaxWidth: "" # Max width for images added via figure shortcode.
jquery: true # Add jQuery
languageDir: "" # Set ltr or rtl, defaults to ltr.
logo: false # Turn off the logo.
mainSections: # The sections you want to have listed on the front page.
- "" # Default to the section with most content if not set.
- "" # Set to empty if no section should be listed.
microUsername: "" # Your micro.blog username.
mobileMenu: true # Turn on a mobile menu on small screens.
piwikSiteId: # Matamo site id
piwikTrackerUrl: "" # Matamo url, schemaless and no slash on end (example.org/matamo).
poweredby: false # Show powered by hugo in footer
realfavicongenerator: true # If full set of favicons, site manifest etc. exists, default false.
safariPinnedColor: "#9D9DEF" # Hex color value, used in meta tags, default "#000000".
searchLimit: 20 # Max number of search hits, default 20.
sidebar: false # Show a sidebar to the right
submitted: true # Show author and date information for a post.
themeColor: "#9D9DEF" # Hex color value, used in meta tags, default "#ffffff".
title: # * Feed title, defaults to site title (iTunes).
description: # * Feed description/summary, defaults to site description (iTunes).
image: "images/logo.png" # * Feed image, place inside assets directory (iTunes).
name: "Games & Hobbies" # * Feed category (iTunes).
subcategories: ["Video games"] # Feed sub category (iTunes).
explicit: false # Feed explicit settting, default to false (iTunes).
author: "Vicky Zelda" # Feed author (iTunes).
name: "Vicky Zelda" # Feed owner name (iTunes).
email: "info@lorescape.xyz" # Feed owner e-mail (iTunes).
lang: # Feed language, defaults to site language (iTunes).
block: no # Block the feed from iTunes, default to no (iTunes).
complete: no # Set the feed as complete, defaults to no (iTunes).
type: "episodic" # Podcast type, defaults to episodic (iTunes).
newfeed: # Are you moving? Set the new feed url here (iTunes).
cdn: "" # CDN url, no slash on end (https://cdn.example.org).
preload: "metadata" # Set on the HTML5 audio tag, defaults to "metadata".
- Name: "Home"
Identifier: "home"
Weight: -100
URL: "/"
- Name: "Series"
Identifier: "series"
Weight: -100
URL: "/categories/"
- Name: "Crypt of the Necrodancer"
Identifier: "necrodancer"
Parent: "series"
URL: "/categories/crypt-of-the-necrodancer/"
Weight: 1
- Name: "Meta/Personal Stuff"
Identifier: "meta"
Parent: "series"
URL: "/categories/meta/"
Weight: 2
- Name: "Episodes"
Identifier: "episodes"
Weight: -90
URL: "/episodes/"
- Name: "RSS"
Identifier: "subscribe"
Weight: -80
URL: "/episodes/index.xml"