<pclass="lead text-center">A free, open scholarly platform for library and information science</p>
<p>LISSA is a place where anyone can have access to library and information science scholarship, in all its forms. As librarians and archivists, we are committed to service permanence, sustainability, discoverability, and ease of access and use. The materials and associated metadata on LISSA are publicly available and readily indexable.</p>
<plang="en"dir="ltr">I was just recommending <ahref="https://twitter.com/LISSArchive?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">@LISSArchive</a> to a librarian colleague as a preprint outlet for our field, and I mentioned I hadn't tried it myself, and then I thought, wait why not? So now I've tried it. <ahref="https://t.co/2fzTMKo5Fv">https://t.co/2fzTMKo5Fv</a></p>— AJ Boston | <ahref="https://twitter.com/AJ_Boston/status/1172235961008152576?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">September 12, 2019</a><scriptasyncsrc="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js"></script>