--- title: "LIS 628 - Data Librarianship and Management" author: "Vicky Rampin" date: "Fall 2021" description: "Open educational resources for learning data management best practices" site: bookdown::bookdown_site colorlinks: yes favicon: imgs/favicon.ico documentclass: book always_allow_html: yes output: bookdown::gitbook: css: [style.css] config: toc: before: |

LIS 628 Data Librarianship

Pratt SLIS, Fall 2019

Instructor: Vicky Rampin

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Published with bookdown & GitLab

Original content is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

Any questions, contact: vicky.rampin@nyu.edu

edit: https://gitlab.com/VickyRampin/lis-628-datalibrarianship/edit/main/%s search: yes download: ["pdf", "epub"] sharing: null bookdown::pdf_book: latex_engine: xelatex bookdown::epub_book: default --- # Welcome {-} Welcome to Data Librarianship and Management! In this class, I'm hoping to impart some practical skills, an understanding of best practices, and prepare you for a variety of data librarianship positions. On this site, you'll find the syllabus, materials for each class, and links to where you should submit assignments. ![](imgs/lb-welcome.png) ## Past Materials {-} + [2020 Fall Book - pdf](files/2020-fall-book.pdf), [2020 Fall Book - epub](files/2020-fall-book.epub), & [2020 Syllabus](files/2020-syllabus.pdf) + [2019 Fall Book - pdf](files/2019-fall-book.pdf), [2019 Fall Book - epub](files/2019-fall-book.epub), & [2019 Syllabus](files/2019-syllabus.pdf) + [2018 Fall Book - epub](files/2018-fall-book.epub) & [2018 Syllabus](files/2018-syllabus.pdf)