% Current curriculum vitae, which should include or be accompanied by a record of your professional contributions and activities, a list of committee and other activities with roles played on each group, including committee chair's name, and a description of teaching activities as appropriate. \documentclass[11pt,a4paper,sans,colorlinks,linkcolor=true]{../moderncv} \moderncvstyle{banking} \moderncvcolor{burgundy} \nopagenumbers{} % adjust the page margins \usepackage[scale=0.75]{geometry} % get nice URLs \usepackage{url} % personal data for header \name{Vicky}{Steeves} \phone[fixed]{(212)~992~6269} \email{vicky.steeves@nyu.edu} \homepage{vickysteeves.com} \social[twitter]{VickySteeves} \social[github]{VickySteeves} \social[gitlab]{VickySteeves} % remove the bullet between symbols \renewcommand*{\makeheaddetailssymbol}{~~~} % have multiple bibliograpgies % to get this to work, need to run: % latex vicky-cv.tex % bibtex pri.aux % bibtex sec.aux % bibtex tri.aux % bibtex quat.aux % latex vicky-cv.tex % latex vicky-cv.tex \usepackage{multibib} \newcites{pri}{Publications} \newcites{sec}{Presentations \& Posters} \newcites{tri}{Code \& Media} \newcites{quat}{Grants Funded} %---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- % start CV %---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- \begin{document} % set links to be blue \hypersetup{urlcolor=blue} % set font size for my name + socials \renewcommand*{\namefont}{\fontsize{20}{16}\mdseries\upshape} % make the header with my name + information \makecvtitle % lessen the space between title + content \vspace*{-12mm} %---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- % objective %---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- \section{Objective} I work to support researchers in creating well-managed, high quality, and reproducible research through integrating reproducible practices into the research workflow. I advocate openness in all facets of scholarship, and enjoy building/contributing to open infrastructure. %---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- % education %---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- \section{Education} \cventry{2019 -- }{Master of Computer Science}{New York University}{New York, New York}{}{} \cventry{2013 -- 2014}{Master of Library \& Information Science}{Simmons College}{Boston, MA}{}{} \cventry{2010 -- 2013}{Bachelor of Science Computer Science \& Information Technology}{Simmons College}{Boston, MA}{}{} \subsection{Graduate and Undergraduate Research Experience} \cventry{Spring 2014}{Small World Project}{Supervisor: Kathy Wisser}{Boston, MA}{}{Analyzed research done with social media networks on archival material and visualized the analysis using Gephi.} \cventry{2012 -- 2013}{Computational Linguistic Approach to Inflection in Human Speech \& Difference}{Supervisor: Nanette Veilleux}{Boston, MA}{}{Recorded speech exemplars and used a specialized programming language (\texttt{Praat}) to write a program to determine the tonal center of gravity of each exemplar and make sure that it matches the intended intonational contour.} \cventry{July 2012}{Celtic Studies}{University College Cork}{Cork, Ireland}{}{Completed coursework in Irish language, literature, and history.} \subsection{Awards and Honors} \cventry{2013 -- 2014}{Dean's Fellow Award}{Simmons College}{}{}{Given to students that demonstrate academic excellence.} \cventry{2013}{The Computer Science Award}{Simmons College Computer Science \& Information Technology Department}{}{}{Given for excellence in Computer Science.} \cventry{2012 -- 2013}{Collaborative Research Experience for Undergraduates}{Simmons College}{}{}{A research grant given to encourage women in STEM fields to complete research studies in their fields.} \cventry{2012}{Bowker Award for Travel}{Simmons College}{}{}{Given to undergraduates who demonstrate academic excellence, completing their studies abroad.} \cventry{2010 -- 2014}{Simmons College 3+1 Undergraduate and Graduate Program}{Simmons College}{}{}{First participant.} %---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- % prof experience %---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- \section{Professional Experience} \cventry{2018 -- }{Visiting Professor}{Pratt Institute}{New York, NY}{}{I teach data librarianship for the School of Information and Library Science. Materials available here: \url{https://vickysteeves.gitlab.io/lis-628-datalibrarianship/}} \cventry{2015 -- }{Librarian for Research Data Management \& Reproducibility}{New York University}{New York, NY}{}{A dual appointment between NYU's Division of Libraries and Center for Data Science. In this role, I work to support students, faculty, staff, and researchers in creating well-managed, high quality, and reproducible research through facilitating use of tools such as ReproZip, teaching and instruction, and group and individual consultations.} \cventry{2017 -- 2018}{Adjunct Professor}{Simmons College}{Boston, MA}{}{I taught database management online for the School of Information and Library Science. Fall 2017 \& Spring 2018.} \cventry{2015 -- 2016}{Interim Program Coordinator}{Metropolitan New York Library Council}{New York, NY}{}{I handled the day-to-day operations of METRO's National Digital Stewardship Residency in New York program. I contributed to project planning, communications, documentation, evaluations, outreach, as well as maintained the program's web presence. I planned, organized, and ran NDSR-affiliated events, meetings, and workshops.} \cventry{2014 -- 2015}{National Digital Stewardship Resident}{American Museum of Natural History}{New York, NY}{}{My project at the AMNH consisted of performing an environmental scan of the Science divisions to better understand their data storage, curation, and preservation needs. After data collection, I identified existing practices and policies for integrated data storage, access, and management. After data analysis, I recommended strategies to digitally preserve the scientific research at the AMNH.} \cventry{Spring 2014}{Archives Intern}{Sasaki Associates}{Waterville, MA}{}{I processed historical architectural material and wrote the accompanying finding aid and created records for each, then catalogued the collections in Koha ILS} \cventry{2013 -- 2014}{Dean's Fellow for Technology}{Simmons College}{Boston, MA}{}{I managed social media for the undergraduate science departments to generate interest in STEM at Simmons through outreach to alumnae, current students, and prospective students, working on content creation with faculty.} %---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- % bibliographies (1. pubs, 2. pres, 3. code/other) %---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- \section{2015 -- 2020 Work} \nocitepri{*} \bibliographystylepri{vicky} \bibliographypri{publications} \nocitesec{*} \bibliographystylesec{vicky} \bibliographysec{presentations} \nocitetri{*} \bibliographystyletri{vicky} \bibliographytri{media} \nocitequat{*} \bibliographystylequat{vicky} \bibliographyquat{grants} %---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- % service to the profession %---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- \section{Service to the Profession} \cvitem{Librarians Building Momentum for Reproducibility}{Co-organized the half-day, online conference: \url{https://vickysteeves.gitlab.io/librarians-reproducibility}} \cvitem{National Library of Medicine}{Serve as mentor and instructor for the for-credit continuing education courses: RDM 101 (Spring 2018), RDM 102 (Spring 2019), and RDM 102 (Spring 2020)} \cvitem{The LIS Scholarship Archive}{Co-director of \href{https://lissarchive.org/}{LISSA}, a parntership with the Center for Open Science \& the LIS community to build a place for LIS scholars to share their work.} \cvitem{SPARC}{Contributor to the SPARC International Survey on Research Data Management Readiness (with Nick Wolf and Scott Collard).} \cvitem{Guest blog post for GitLab}{about how their platform helps with research reproducibility: \url{https://about.gitlab.com/2017/08/25/gitlab-and-reproducibility/}} \cvitem{Interview with dh+lib}{on how my career path as a data librarian is informed by ethics from CS degree: \url{https://acrl.ala.org/dh/2018/04/04/repro/}} \cvitem{Interview with Simmons College}{on my eperience as the first 3+1 program student: \url{http://www.simmons.edu/news/school-of-library-and-information-science/2017/may/vicky-steeves}} \cvitem{\href{http://radiandata.org/}{Radian}}{Editor.} \cvitem{\href{https://theidealis.org/}{The Idealis}}{Editor.} \cvitem{CLIR}{Participant, 2016 CLIR eResearch Network Research Data Management cohort.} \cvitem{Preservation and Archiving Special Interest Group}{Chaired the committee responsible for the reproducibility track of the Fall 2016 conference.} \cvitem{Center for Open Science}{Open Science Framework Ambassador. Participant in the 2016 SHARE Curation Associates program.} \cvitem{DLF}{Participant in the 2016 eDLF Data Management Cohort.} \cvitem{Data And Software Preservation for Open Science}{External organizer for the workshop on containerizing science.} \cvitem{Library Information and Technology Association}{Taught a one-month course on building library services around openness and reproducibility.} \cvitem{Preservation and Quality Tools}{Facilitated a hands-on session at this workshop on ReproZip.} \cvitem{Data And Software Preservation for Open Science}{Led multiple hands-on sessions on ReproZip. Presented to the DASPOS board of directors on NYU's open source reproducibility initiatives.} \cvitem{OpenCon}{Guest lectured on reproducibility for the OpenCon early career librarian's call.} \cvitem{Metropolitan NY Library Council (METRO)}{Presented a webinar teaching RDM principles to library and information professionals.} \cvitem{Pratt School of Library and Information Science}{Guest lectured in Meg Smith's Data Librarianship class on my career path, RDM, and reproducibility. 2016 \& 2017} \cvitem{Palmer School of Library \& Information Science}{Guest lectured in Don Mennerich's Digital Archives class for the Public History program on RDM. 2016 \& 2017} \cvitem{Queen's College Graduate School of Library \& Information Science}{Guest lectured in Robert DeCandido's digital stewardship class at Queens College on data management, NDSR, and my career path.} %---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- % job history %---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- \section{Employment History} \cventry{2018 -- }{Visiting Professor}{Pratt Institute}{New York, NY}{}{} \cventry{2015 -- }{Librarian for Research Data Management \& Reproducibility}{New York University}{New York, NY}{}{} \cventry{2017 -- 2018}{Adjunct Professor}{Simmons College}{Boston, MA}{}{} \cventry{2015 -- 2016}{Interim Program Coordinator}{Metropolitan New York Library Council}{New York, NY}{}{} \cventry{2014 -- 2015}{National Digital Stewardship Resident}{American Museum of Natural History}{New York, NY}{}{} \cventry{2013 -- 2014}{Dean's Fellow for Technology}{Simmons College}{Boston, MA}{}{} \cventry{2013 -- 2014}{Technical Resource Assistant}{Simmons College}{Boston, MA}{}{Provide technical instruction to students, staff, and faculty at the Graduate School of Library and Information Science (GSLIS).Troubleshoot hard/software issues within GSLIS for students, staff, and faculty.} \cventry{2011 -- 2013}{Teacher's Assistant}{Simmons College Computer Science Department}{Boston, MA}{}{Assit in creating classwork, homework, and quizzes for students to complete. Grade students' work and report these grades to the instructor.} \cventry{2011 -- 2013}{Lab Monitor}{Simmons College Computer Science Department}{Boston, MA}{}{Assist students with troubleshooting soft/hardware issues. Repair and maintain computers in the computer science laboratory.} %---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- % more about my research interests %---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- \section{Research Interests} \cvitem{Professional Interests}{Data management, reproducibility, digital preservation, digital archiving, systems analysis, database management, web development, software engineering and development, computational linguistics.} \end{document}