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title = {{National} {Agenda} for {Digital} {Stewardship}},
howpublished = "\url{http://www.digitalpreservation.gov/documents/2015NationalAgenda.pdf}",
language = {English},
author = {{National Digital Stewardship Alliance}},
month = sep,
year = {2015},
file = {2015NationalAgenda.pdf:/home/vicky/.zotero/zotero/ryt3s4a6.default/zotero/storage/3KWPHRIT/2015NationalAgenda.pdf:application/pdf}
title = {{CLIR} {Receives} {IMLS} {Grant} to {Assess} {National} {Digital} {Stewardship} {Residency} {Programs}},
howpublished = "\url{http://web.archive.org/web/20160313223145/http://www.digitalpreservation.gov/documents/2015NationalAgenda.pdf}",
urldate = {2016-04-23},
author = {{Council on Library and Information Resources}},
month = sep,
year = {2015},
file = {CLIR Receives IMLS Grant to Assess National Digital Stewardship Residency Programs — Council on Library and Information Resources:/home/vicky/.zotero/zotero/ryt3s4a6.default/zotero/storage/8J3EI73B/NDSR.html:text/html}
title = {National {Digital} {Stewardship} {Residency}},
howpublished = "\url{http://web.archive.org/web/20160404223713/http://www.digitalpreservation.gov/ndsr/}",
urldate = {2016-04-23},
journal = {Digital Preservation},
author = {{Library of Congress}},
year = {{n.d.}},
file = {NDSR - Digital Preservation (Library of Congress):/home/vicky/.zotero/zotero/ryt3s4a6.default/zotero/storage/5BV6HERZ/ndsr.html:text/html}
title = {{ALA}'s {Core} {Competences} of {Librarianship}},
howpublished = "\url{http://web.archive.org/web/20160304200942/http://www.ala.org/educationcareers/sites/ala.org.educationcareers/files/content/careers/corecomp/corecompetences/finalcorecompstat09.pdf}",
language = {English},
urldate = {2016-04-23},
author = {{American Library Association}},
year = {2009},
file = {finalcorecompstat09.pdf:/home/vicky/.zotero/zotero/ryt3s4a6.default/zotero/storage/Q9NJXATU/finalcorecompstat09.pdf:application/pdf}
title = {Knowledge and competencies statements developed by relevant professional organizations},
howpublished = "\url{http://web.archive.org/web/20150830202610/http://www.ala.org/educationcareers/careers/corecomp/corecompspecial/knowledgecompetencies}",
urldate = {2016-04-23},
year = {2015},
author = {{American Library Association}},
file = {Knowledge and competencies statements developed by relevant professional organizations | Education & Careers:/home/vicky/.zotero/zotero/ryt3s4a6.default/zotero/storage/BJ4ZHF7P/knowledgecompetencies.html:text/html}
title = {Digital {Preservation} {Education}: {Educating} or {Networking}?},
volume = {69},
number = {1},
journal = {The American Archivist},
author = {Duff, W.M. and Marshall, A. and Limkilde, C. and van Ballegooie, M.},
year = {2006},
pages = {188--212}
title = {So much to learn, so little time to learn it: {North} {American} archival education programs in the information age and the role for certificate programs},
volume = {6},
journal = {Archival Science},
author = {Tibbo, H.R.},
year = {2006},
pages = {231--245}
title = {Competency-based training: a viable strategy for an evolving workforce?},
volume = {49},
number = {4},
journal = {Journal of Education for Library and Information Science},
author = {Thomas, C. and Patel, S.I.},
year = {2008},
pages = {298--309}
title = {What is needed to educate future digital librarians: a study of current practice and staffing patterns in academic and research libraries},
volume = {12},
number = {9},
journal = {D-Lib Magazine},
author = {Choi, Y. and Rasmussen, E.},
year = {2006}
title = {Closing the {Digital} {Curation} {Gap} {Focus} {Groups} {Report}},
url = {http://web.archive.org/web/20160406043126/http://digitalcurationexchange.org/cdcg/sites/default/files/CDCG_FocusGroupReport.pdf},
language = {English},
urldate = {2016-04-23},
author = {Lee, Cal and Tibbo, Helen},
month = jun,
year = {2011},
file = {CDCG_FocusGroupReport.pdf:/home/vicky/.zotero/zotero/ryt3s4a6.default/zotero/storage/GAX96XDB/CDCG_FocusGroupReport.pdf:application/pdf}
title = {Skilling up to data: {Whose} role, whose responsibility, whose career},
volume = {2},
number = {4},
year = {2009},
journal = {International Journal of Digital Curation},
author = {Pryor, G. and Donnelly, M.},
pages = {158--170}
title = {Digital {Library} {Education} in {Europe}},
volume = {6},
copyright = {© The Author(s) 2016. This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License (http://www.creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/) which permits any use, reproduction and distribution of the work without further permission provided the original work is attributed as specified on the SAGE and Open Access page (https://us.sagepub.com/en-us/nam/open-access-at-sage).},
issn = {2158-2440},
howpublished = "\url{http://sgo.sagepub.com/content/6/1/2158244015622538}",
doi = {10.1177/2158244015622538},
abstract = {Research in digital libraries (DLs) has gained much interest across the globe. Most funding related to DL are available for building DLs, rather than producing digital librarians by developing the DL curricula and offering necessary funding to introduce state-of-the-art DL labs for future library professionals. Based on online surveys, this article investigates the status of DL education/courses in Europe, particularly, it examines the curriculum contents of DL courses, explores the future direction of library and information science (LIS) curricula, and identifies the competitors of LIS schools in the DL world. This study received responses from 54 LIS schools/departments in 27 European countries. The results of the current study clearly show that the majority of the LIS schools have already integrated digital librarianship in their regular bachelor's and master's degree programs. The importance of practical aspects in DL curricula has been highlighted by the authors. The study also reports the recommended books and journals on DL, direction of LIS curricula, and the competitors of LIS schools in the digital world. A number of future research directions have been offered by the authors. The authors expect that the study will contribute to the discussions and debates toward identifying subject elements for DL courses. The top subject areas based on their importance as reported by the participants of the current study should be taken into consideration before designing curricula for DLs and before developing a Europe-wide unique LIS curriculum.},
language = {en},
number = {1},
urldate = {2016-04-23},
journal = {SAGE Open},
author = {Audunson, Ragnar Andreas and Shuva, Nafiz Zaman},
month = jan,
year = {2016},
pages = {2158244015622538},
file = {Full Text PDF:/home/vicky/.zotero/zotero/ryt3s4a6.default/zotero/storage/FXG3EUNM/Audunson and Shuva - 2016 - Digital Library Education in Europe.pdf:application/pdf;Snapshot:/home/vicky/.zotero/zotero/ryt3s4a6.default/zotero/storage/Z934U5R2/2158244015622538.html:text/html}
title = {A study of digital curator competences: a survey of experts},
volume = {45},
number = {3-4},
journal = {International Information \& Library Review},
author = {Madrid, M.},
year = {2013},
pages = {149--156}
title = {Matrix of {Digital} {Curation} {Knowledge} and {Competencies}},
copyright = {Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial Share-Alike 3.0 License},
howpublished = "\url{http://web.archive.org/web/20150929215051/http://www.ils.unc.edu/digccurr/digccurr-matrix.html}",
urldate = {2016-04-23},
journal = {DigCCurr},
author = {Lee, Cal},
year = {2009},
file = {Matrix of Digital Curation Knowledge and Competencies (Overview) - DigCCurr Project:/home/vicky/.zotero/zotero/ryt3s4a6.default/zotero/storage/GIICUMRA/digccurr-matrix.html:text/html}
title = {{DigIn}: a hands-on approach to a digital curation curriculum for professional development},
volume = {52},
number = {2},
journal = {Journal of Education for Library and Information Science},
author = {Fulton, B. and Botticelli, P. and Bradley, J.},
year = {2011},
pages = {95--109}
title = {{DPOE} training needs assessment survey},
url = {http://web.archive.org/web/20160323170209/http://www.digitalpreservation.gov/education/background.html},
urldate = {2016-04-23},
author = {{Digital Preservation Outreach and Education (DPOE)}},
year = {2010},
note = {http://web.archive.org/web/20160323170209},
file = {DPOE - Digital Preservation (Library of Congress):/home/vicky/.zotero/zotero/ryt3s4a6.default/zotero/storage/KPPXDT8J/background.html:text/html}
title = {Presidential {Address}: {On} the occasion of {SAA}'s diamond jubilee: {A} professional coming of age in the digital era},
volume = {75},
journal = {American Archivist},
author = {Tibbo, H.R.},
year = {2012},
pages = {17--34}
title = {{DAS} {Curriculum} {Structure}},
howpublished = "\url{http://web.archive.org/web/20150828210835/http://www2.archivists.org/prof-education/das/curriculum-structure}",
urldate = {2016-04-23},
author = {{Society of American Archivists}},
month = aug,
year = {2015},
file = {DAS Curriculum Structure | Society of American Archivists:/home/vicky/.zotero/zotero/ryt3s4a6.default/zotero/storage/B7A9HX5S/curriculum-structure.html:text/html}
title = {Digital curation in the academic library job market},
volume = {49},
number = {1},
journal = {Proceedings of the American Society for Information Science and Technology},
author = {Kim, J. and Warga, E. and Moen, W.},
year = {2012},
pages = {1--4}
title = {What {Does} it {Take} to {Be} a {Well}-rounded {Digital} {Archivist}? {\textbar} {The} {Signal}: {Digital} {Preservation}},
howpublished = "\url{http://web.archive.org/web/20160301155958/http://blogs.loc.gov/digitalpreservation/2014/10/what-does-it-take-to-be-a-well-rounded-digital-archivist/}",
language = {English},
urldate = {2016-04-23},
journal = {The Signal},
author = {Chan, P.},
month = oct,
year = {2014},
file = {What Does it Take to Be a Well-rounded Digital Archivist? | The Signal\: Digital Preservation:/home/vicky/.zotero/zotero/ryt3s4a6.default/zotero/storage/IDEFEC88/what-does-it-take-to-be-a-well-rounded-digital-archivist.html:text/html}
title = {What's in a digital archivist's skill set?},
howpublished = "\url{http://web.archive.org/web/20150925105555/http://hangingtogether.org/?p=3912}",
language = {English},
urldate = {2016-04-23},
journal = {Hangingtogether.org: From OCLC Research},
author = {Dooley, J.},
month = jun,
year = {2014},
file = {What's in a digital archivist's skill set? | hangingtogether.org:/home/vicky/.zotero/zotero/ryt3s4a6.default/zotero/storage/HFI3QDPA/hangingtogether.html:text/html}
title = {Document analysis as a qualitative research method},
volume = {9},
issn = {1443-9883},
howpublished = "\url{http://dx.doi.org/10.3316/QRJ0902027}",
language = {English},
number = {2},
journal = {Qualitative Research Journal},
author = {Bowen, G.A.},
year = {2009},
pages = {27--40}
title = {The {National} {Digital} {Stewardship} {Residency} in {New} {York}},
author = {{NDSR-NY}},
howpublished = "\url{http://ndsr.nycdigital.org/}",
urldate = {2016-04-23},
year = {2015},
file = {Snapshot:/home/vicky/.zotero/zotero/ryt3s4a6.default/zotero/storage/G8QA92CP/ndsr.nycdigital.org.html:text/html}
title = {The {National} {Digital} {Stewardship} {Residency} {Boston}, {Massachusetts}},
author = {{NDSR-Boston}},
howpublished = "\url{http://projects.iq.harvard.edu/ndsr_boston/home}",
year = {2016}
title = {The {National} {Digital} {Stewardship} {Residency}},
author = {{NDSR}},
howpublished = "\url{http://www.digitalpreservation.gov/ndsr/index.html}",
year = {2015}
title = {The {National} {Digital} {Stewardship} {Residency}},
howpublished = "\url{http://web.archive.org/web/20140801145633/http://www.digitalpreservation.gov/ndsr/index.html}",
author = {{NDSR}},
year = {2014}
title = {The {National} {Digital} {Stewardship} {Residency} {Boston}, {Massachusetts}},
howpublished = "\url{http://web.archive.org/web/20150320184022/http://projects.iq.harvard.edu/ndsr_boston/home}",
author = {{NDSR-Boston}},
year = {2015}
address = {London},
title = {Constructing {Grounded} {Theory}},
isbn = {0-85702-914-2},
howpublished = "\url{https://us.sagepub.com/en-us/nam/constructing-grounded-theory/book235960}",
language = {English},
urldate = {2016-04-23},
publisher = {SAGE Publications Inc},
author = {Charmaz, K.},
year = {2014},
file = {Constructing Grounded Theory | SAGE Publications Inc:/home/vicky/.zotero/zotero/ryt3s4a6.default/zotero/storage/BMK5MPF3/book235960.html:text/html}
title = {Using an adapted grounded theory approach for inductive theory building about virtual team development},
volume = {32},
number = {1},
journal = {Database for Advances in Information Systems},
author = {Sarker, S. and Lau, F. and Sahay, S.},
year = {2001},
pages = {38--56}
title = {From inductive to iterative grounded theory: {Zipping} the gap between process theory and process data},
volume = {13},
number = {4},
journal = {Scandinavian Journal of Management},
author = {Orton, J.D.},
year = {1997},
pages = {413--438}
address = {Maidenhead},
edition = {5. ed},
title = {The good research guide: for small-scale social research projects},
isbn = {978-0-335-26470-4},
shorttitle = {The good research guide},
language = {eng},
publisher = {Open University Press},
author = {Denscombe, M.},
year = {2014},
keywords = {Social sciences Research}
address = {Thousand Oaks, Calif},
edition = {3rd ed},
title = {Statistics for the social sciences},
isbn = {978-1-4129-0546-6},
publisher = {Sage Publications},
author = {Sirkin, M. R.},
year = {2006},
keywords = {Social sciences, Statistical methods, Statistics}
address = {Los Angeles},
edition = {Fifth edition},
series = {Applied social research methods series},
title = {Survey research methods},
isbn = {978-1-4522-5900-0 978-1-4833-1240-8},
publisher = {SAGE},
author = {Fowler, F. J.},
year = {2014},
keywords = {Social surveys}