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{National Digital Stewardship Alliance}.
\newblock {National} {Agenda} for {Digital} {Stewardship}.
\newblock September 2015.
{Council on Library and Information Resources}.
\newblock {CLIR} {Receives} {IMLS} {Grant} to {Assess} {National} {Digital}
{Stewardship} {Residency} {Programs}.
September 2015.
{Library of Congress}.
\newblock National {Digital} {Stewardship} {Residency}.
{American Library Association}.
\newblock {ALA}'s {Core} {Competences} of {Librarianship}.
{American Library Association}.
\newblock Knowledge and competencies statements developed by relevant
professional organizations.
W.M. Duff, A.~Marshall, C.~Limkilde, and M.~van Ballegooie.
\newblock Digital {Preservation} {Education}: {Educating} or {Networking}?
\newblock {\em The American Archivist}, 69(1):188--212, 2006.
H.R. Tibbo.
\newblock So much to learn, so little time to learn it: {North} {American}
archival education programs in the information age and the role for
certificate programs.
\newblock {\em Archival Science}, 6:231--245, 2006.
C.~Thomas and S.I. Patel.
\newblock Competency-based training: a viable strategy for an evolving
\newblock {\em Journal of Education for Library and Information Science},
49(4):298--309, 2008.
Y.~Choi and E.~Rasmussen.
\newblock What is needed to educate future digital librarians: a study of
current practice and staffing patterns in academic and research libraries.
\newblock {\em D-Lib Magazine}, 12(9), 2006.
Cal Lee and Helen Tibbo.
\newblock Closing the {Digital} {Curation} {Gap} {Focus} {Groups} {Report},
June 2011.
G.~Pryor and M.~Donnelly.
\newblock Skilling up to data: {Whose} role, whose responsibility, whose
\newblock {\em International Journal of Digital Curation}, 2(4):158--170, 2009.
Ragnar~Andreas Audunson and Nafiz~Zaman Shuva.
\newblock Digital {Library} {Education} in {Europe}.
\newblock {\em SAGE Open}, 6(1):2158244015622538, January 2016.
\newblock A study of digital curator competences: a survey of experts.
\newblock {\em International Information \& Library Review}, 45(3-4):149--156,
\newblock Matrix of {Digital} {Curation} {Knowledge} and {Competencies}.
B.~Fulton, P.~Botticelli, and J.~Bradley.
\newblock {DigIn}: a hands-on approach to a digital curation curriculum for
professional development.
\newblock {\em Journal of Education for Library and Information Science},
52(2):95--109, 2011.
{Digital Preservation Outreach and Education (DPOE)}.
\newblock {DPOE} training needs assessment survey, 2010.
\newblock http://web.archive.org/web/20160323170209.
H.R. Tibbo.
\newblock Presidential {Address}: {On} the occasion of {SAA}'s diamond jubilee:
{A} professional coming of age in the digital era.
\newblock {\em American Archivist}, 75:17--34, 2012.
{Society of American Archivists}.
\newblock {DAS} {Curriculum} {Structure}.
August 2015.
J.~Kim, E.~Warga, and W.~Moen.
\newblock Digital curation in the academic library job market.
\newblock {\em Proceedings of the American Society for Information Science and
Technology}, 49(1):1--4, 2012.
\newblock What {Does} it {Take} to {Be} a {Well}-rounded {Digital} {Archivist}?
{\textbar} {The} {Signal}: {Digital} {Preservation}.
October 2014.
\newblock What's in a digital archivist's skill set?
June 2014.
G.A. Bowen.
\newblock Document analysis as a qualitative research method.
\newblock {\em Qualitative Research Journal}, 9(2):27--40, 2009.
\newblock The {National} {Digital} {Stewardship} {Residency} in {New} {York}.
\newblock \url{http://ndsr.nycdigital.org/}, 2015.
\newblock The {National} {Digital} {Stewardship} {Residency} {Boston},
\newblock \url{http://projects.iq.harvard.edu/ndsr_boston/home}, 2016.
\newblock The {National} {Digital} {Stewardship} {Residency}.
\newblock \url{http://www.digitalpreservation.gov/ndsr/index.html}, 2015.
\newblock The {National} {Digital} {Stewardship} {Residency}.
\newblock The {National} {Digital} {Stewardship} {Residency} {Boston},
\newblock {\em Constructing {Grounded} {Theory}}.
\newblock SAGE Publications Inc, London, 2014.
S.~Sarker, F.~Lau, and S.~Sahay.
\newblock Using an adapted grounded theory approach for inductive theory
building about virtual team development.
\newblock {\em Database for Advances in Information Systems}, 32(1):38--56,
J.D. Orton.
\newblock From inductive to iterative grounded theory: {Zipping} the gap
between process theory and process data.
\newblock {\em Scandinavian Journal of Management}, 13(4):413--438, 1997.
\newblock {\em The good research guide: for small-scale social research
\newblock Open University Press, Maidenhead, 5. ed edition, 2014.
F.~J. Fowler.
\newblock {\em Survey research methods}.
\newblock Applied social research methods series. SAGE, Los Angeles, fifth
edition edition, 2014.