A competency profile based on the National Digital Stewardship Residencies" by [Karl-Rainer Blumenthal](http://landscapelibrarian.com/), [Peggy Griesinger](https://www.linkedin.com/in/peggy-griesinger-413a2173), [Julia Kim](https://twitter.com/jy_kim29), [Shira Peltzman](https://www.linkedin.com/in/shira-peltzman-82389114), and [Vicky Steeves](http://www.vickysteeves.com).
Digital stewardship is a rapidly maturing field within library and information science. This domain engages in the active and long-term management of digital objects towards their preservation for and unencumbered access by future generations. Although this field is growing quickly, it lacks a compentancy profile for practioners that is commonplace in LIS (example: the American Library Association's [Core Compentencies of Librarianship](http://www.ala.org/educationcareers/sites/ala.org.educationcareers/files/content/careers/corecomp/corecompetences/finalcorecompstat09.pdf)).
This study sought to fill that gap by creating a profile of the skills, responsibilities, and knowledge areas that define competency in digital stewardship, based on three key datasets: 1) literature in the field through a literature review (to define the scope of the profile), 2) NDSR project descriptions, qualitatively analyzed to get a baseline understanding of expected competencies 3) the results of a survey given to current and past NDSR residents, quantitively evaluated to illustrate competencies’ importance to professional success.
The authors welcome and encourage others to extend and reproduce their study, and have made all research materials, including the survey instrument and data, freely available at the following URL: https://osf.io/zndwq/
The authors want to thank the NDSR community for their participation and support in conducting our study, without which it would not have been possible.