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Remi Rampin 2024-04-02 17:16:51 -04:00
commit acd17a490e
1 changed files with 111 additions and 0 deletions

planter.scad Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,111 @@
// Diameter of the inside cylinder
diameter = 63;
// Height of the inside cyliner
height = 40;
// Number of cuts / ridges around the planter
cuts = 20;
// Depth of the cuts / ridges around the planter
cut_depth = 3;
// Thickness of the wall of the planter
thickness = 3;
// Roundness of the bottom, where 0 is a straight flat bottom, and 100 is a sphere bottom
bottom_roundness_percent = 85;
// Optional wall mount plate, 0 is no plate and 100 makes the planter a half-circle
wall_mount_percent = 30;
module _end_of_customizer() {}
$fn = $preview ? 20 : 60;
$fs = $preview ? 1 : 0.1;
// The bottom half of a sphere
module half_sphere(d) {
difference() {
sphere(d = d);
translate([-d/2 - 1, -d/2 - 1, 0])
cube([d + 2, d + 2, d + 1]);
// The body, a full cylinder with ridges
// Its diameter is calculated from `diameter` (for the hollow inside), `thickness`, and `cut_depth`.
module body(h, fn = 20) {
outer_diameter = diameter + thickness * 2;
function diam(x) = 1 + cut_depth / outer_diameter * 2 * sin(x * 180) ^ 3;
for(cut = [0:cuts - 1]) {
for(i = [0:fn - 1]) {
angle1 = 360 / cuts / fn * (cut * fn + i);
angle2 = 360 / cuts / fn * (cut * fn + i + 1);
vary1 = diam(i / fn);
vary2 = diam((i + 1) / fn);
[0, 0],
[vary1 * outer_diameter / 2 * cos(angle1),
vary1 * outer_diameter / 2 * sin(angle1)],
[vary2 * outer_diameter / 2 * cos(angle2),
vary2 * outer_diameter / 2 * sin(angle2)],
// The bottom part of the vase, which is sphere-like with ridges and a flat bottom
// The bottom is controlled by `bottom_roundness_percent` (0 = no roundness at all, 100 = no flat bottom at all)
module bottom() {
full_diameter = (diameter + thickness * 2) + cut_depth * 2;
intersection() {
translate([0, 0, -full_diameter / 2 * bottom_roundness_percent / 100])
body(full_diameter / 2 * bottom_roundness_percent / 100);
half_sphere(d = full_diameter);
// The planter
// body with cylinder cut out (`diameter`) and bottom part
module planter() {
difference() {
translate([0, 0, -1])
cylinder(d = diameter, h = height + 2);
scale([1, 1, 0.2])
half_sphere(d = diameter);
// Planter with optional wall mount plate
// If `wall_mount_percent` is 0, no plate, if 100, the planter is a half circle
if(wall_mount_percent > 0) {
full_diameter = (diameter + thickness * 2) + cut_depth * 2;
wall_x = full_diameter / 2 * (1 - wall_mount_percent / 100);
wall_depth = full_diameter * sqrt(1 - (1 - wall_mount_percent / 100)^2);
difference() {
translate([-wall_x - full_diameter, -wall_depth / 2, -full_diameter - 1])
cube([full_diameter, wall_depth, height + full_diameter + 2]);
translate([-wall_x, -wall_depth / 2, 0])
cube([thickness, wall_depth, height]);
} else {